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Chastity weight loss - abstinence weight loss

20-12-2016 à 01:02:12
Chastity weight loss
Mistress weighed me in at 203 pounds and looked disappointed at my. Restrictions and control of any and all releases. At the end of this article, I will list some web sites that would be of interest in understanding these mechanisms. Additional punishments will also be inflicted for failing to follow any and all instructions. Sexual activity and orgasm generate predictable patterns in the levels of each of the three transmitters as well as receptors. The chaste man spends most of his life with high dopamine and high oxytocin levels (helped along by his loving wife who appreciates the mood and attitude of her high dopamine, high oxytocin level mate) who lavishes lots of physical attention on him. During sexual play and intimacy, when he is teased and denied, particularly when teased to just short or orgasm, his dopamine level is boosted without triggering the corresponding, counterweight of prolactin to defeat it. Thinking about not masturbating, made me very horny and the. The result of the dueling neurotransmitters just minutes after orgasm is a dopamine level that is well below the level it was before the sexual arousal leading to orgasm started and a high level of prolactin that persists above the normal level for up to two weeks. Every other time i tried this, i always lacked the willpower to. Missing even two exercise sessions would result in 15 strokes of the. Forced fitness program including, cardio and strength training. Victoria, who was willing to motivate me with the aid of her cane against my. Of course, Mistress knew exactly why there was little. What is the ideal time between orgasms for the male. It is availble at Amazon for about twelve dollars. As discussed in the section on oxytocin, the manner in which dopamine and prolactin rises and falls during and after orgasm is quite different in men than in women. What I see is an immature little boy, stroking his pee-pee with one. Generally, the male chastity lifestyle will work best when the man has already developed that reward pathway, i. In it he explains what may be another approach to Karezza. Even when the level of oxytocin is reduced to normal levels, although the powerful bonding feeling is lost, the memory of that feeling remains. Good to know there are other people attempting this. Recorded and presented to the Mistress when asked. I have been doing some reading lately about the science of sex and more particularly, the science of orgasm. From previous experience, I knew moods are often dependent on the presence, concentration or absence of certain neurotransmitters. After orgasm, in men, the level or oxytocin quickly drops - in less than an hour it is well below the level it was at before sexual arousal began. One thing she discusses in that book is her thinking on extending the period between orgasms for her husband. So, what does this scientific analysis mean for our understanding of sex and orgasms and the effect it has on our relationships. This post was fun to read, but raises questions for me. But, unlike the man who orgasms frequently, his dopamine and oxytocin levels are restored to normal after a week or so. Low Level: depression, Anhedonia (no pleasure, the world looks colorless), lack of ambition and drive, inability to feel love, low libido, no remorse about personal behavior, social anxiety, impaired judgment. That it is personal choice for the two individuals involved in the relationship. I require a before and after picture, in your birthday suit, front and back. The neurotransmitters dopamine, prolactin and oxytocin exist and work the way they do because in the world of long ago, when our ancestors evolved, they provided an advantage in procreation and in survival of the progeny. At 40 years old, i was in danger of falling completely apart. There are a number of different neurotransmitters involved in shaping our moods throughout our life but the three dominant, key ones where sex and orgasm are concerned are dopamine, prolactin and oxytocin. I will write more about it once I have read it. First, chastity (as the author defines it) has clearly become a fetish for him. Within a week or so his dopamine not only returns to normal levels but over time it is further elevated by frequent sex play and intimacy, teasing and denial. e. The symptoms associated with excess levels of prolactin are. For the female, the trade-off is a complex mix of what she believes is best for her mate whom she loves, what is best for their relationship, and frankly what is best for her. We also know that male chastity is one way of correcting the mismatch between ancient, biological imperatives and our own personal desires. This rising level is experienced as pleasure and the higher the level, the more intense the pleasure provided there are sufficient receptors to accommodate the rising level. At orgasm, the slope is nearly vertical as it is the sudden burst of dopamine that is experienced as intense pleasure by men. In particular, gene pool mixing and the care of off-spring so they survive long enough to pass their genes on. The moods and feelings generated by low dopamine levels often prevent the very thing necessary to raise oxytocin levels - touching and caressing of his wife or by his wife, physical closeness and intimate communications. Rather than feeling depression and alienation from depressed levels of dopamine and oxytocin, most of the time the chaste man feels positive, motivated and devoted to his wife. But unlike the man who keeps having orgasms inside of his dopamine recovery period and therefore remains chronically low in dopamine, the chaste man does not orgasm again for several months. So, during sexual arousal, her dopamine level rises in a series of steps (the plateaus accounting for the generally longer foreplay period required by women before orgasm). At orgasm, the dopamine level peaks but does not drop off drastically, descending instead in a series of steps because unlike men, her prolactin levels rise only a little above normal and continue at that level only long enough to return her dopamine level to the level which is normal for where she is in her menstrual cycle. Dopamine - the neurotransmitter that causes the feeling of pleasure we receive from engaging in certain activities. This is not an article about evolution, but suffice to say that the feelings and behaviors those neurotransmitters generate that are related to survival (that is, gene survival) exist in us today because they were the most successful in allowing our ancestors to survive and procreate, and for allow their progeny to survive and have a chance to also procreate. Then she projected that pattern and its results on letting John orgasm every month and found that for every year, they (and especially she) would lose that special devotion generated by male chastity for three to four months. 8 seconds apart according to Masters and Johnson). He has low dopamine and oxytocin levels, and high prolactin levels. He wanted to orgasm but craved denial as she put it.

Each of these sites, in turn, included numerous links to more information which I also used as needed. 99% of the time. Yes Mistress, i understand, my name is billy and im a little boy. Each of those sites, in turn, provide links for further research and investigation. He was a dopamine driven creature, with occasional bursts of dopamine rewarding his sexual behavior - passing his genes to another, but persistent low levels of dopamine to drive him to seek sex again with an even larger boost if it was with different a recipient. I began researching my questions by trying to understand the mood change that occurs after orgasm, particularly after a lengthy period of chastity. Our genitals are just one of many such signal senders. Low Levels: little or no feelings of attachment, devotion or connection, little or no feelings of protection and responsibility for another, low libido, depression and weakened immune system. A burst of oxytocin is produced during orgasm and is responsible for the post orgasm afterglow of love and connectedness we feel. First, in trying to explain to my wife what that powerful feeling of devotion was, I compared it to that post-orgasmic feeling of closeness we always have as we lie entwined with each other after sex, telling each other how lucky we are to have found each other. There is a constant interplay of low dopamine affected husband, resulting withdrawal of affection by the wife and resulting deceased oxytocin levels in both of them that usually creates problems in the marriage, often so severe that the marriage cannot survive it. A fourth factor is the concentration of receptors for these neurotransmitters, in particular those for dopamine. Both monetary and corporal methods will be used, as Mistress finds this a very effective motivator. Little fatties are also required to see me a minimum, once a month to check in for weight and measurements, and if needed appropriate punishment for not reaching agreed upon monthly goal. 01% and no way to orgasm the other 99. Sexual arousal, the eating of calorie rich foods, and for some, certain other behaviors like gambling or shopping, and the ingestion of certain drugs like cocaine, amphetamines and heroin all raise the level of dopamine in our reward center. Moreover, just wearing the chastity device raises his level of dopamine because of the continuous low level of arousal he receives from the continuous awareness of his genitals and the fact that he has turned over control of his orgasm to his wife. In women, the post orgasmic level of oxytocin decreases more slowly reaching normal levels in several hours and remaining there. Her reasoning is logical, in fact mathematical in nature. Eating like a pig and masturbating three times without permission is just plain. In this scenario, the woman is allowed to orgasm whenever she wishes, usually during sex play with her husband. For the woman in this marriage, her dopamine levels are largely controlled by her menstrual cycle with her experiences of elevated levels at orgasm and slower, more gradual drop off in dopamine levels that help maintain her feelings of well-being but with the mood, attitude and behavior of her dopamine deprived husband alienating her from him emotionally. Moreover, he is unable to maintain the emotional connection to his wife over a long period of time. so who knows. Male Chastity - Pleasure and Devotion, the Science Behind It. This is, of course, at odds with our modern desire to be happy in our life. There is a gradual rise during sexual arousal with the gradient or slope increasing as he approaches orgasm. ). It was going to be 5 weeks until i could visit Mistress again for a. The following are some of the useful web sites I found in researching this. Realistically, every time her mate orgasms, she can expect one to two weeks of a low dopamine, low oxytocin mate with the attendant loss of attention and devotion that she enjoys the rest of the time and probably a more irritable, cranky mate as well. already desires or even craves turning over control. I came across this blog when checking my blog stats and finding an unusual number of hits from this site. It is one of the discovered joys of male chastity for the female mate of the chaste man and usually quickly turns them from anxious skeptics to fully committed believers who never wants to go back to the way it was. It is the primary factor in establishing the basis for pair bonding. The intense pleasure of orgasm that we experience results from the sudden flood of dopamine that is released in the reward center of our brain. e counteract or reduce the level of) the sudden flood of dopamine and oxytocin. Recorded and presented to the Mistress when asked. It is important to recognize that orgasm by the woman does not have the same severe, adverse effect on her dopamine levels and as is the case with a man. Throughout the day, every day he is in his chastity belt, aware that he has turned over control of his orgasm to his wife, his dopamine stays elevated. In men the curve tracing the increase and decrease of dopamine through sexual arousal, orgasm and aftermath is saw-tooth shaped. The elevated levels of prolactin after orgasm persist for a minimum of one week and as long as two weeks. Mistress caned me 5 times for each pound over 200. Prolactin levels generally remain stable in the reward center of the brain except during orgasm when they are substantially increased to deal with (i. They are all attempts to boost dopamine levels using pre-established reward pathways that the person has developed in the past which reliably provided a dopamine burst when activated. Touch and caress, hand holding and massages, warm intimate talks are a regular part of their daily lives. To compensate for this, the man will attempt to raise his dopamine levels, to feel good again, (in the same way a cocaine addict would, who also experiences a very similar saw-toothed curve in dopamine levels when using the drug, seek drugs to boost dopamine) by doing things in which his brain has already developed known pathways for responding with dopamine surges. This loss was too high of a price to pay for giving him the pleasure of monthly orgasms and instead she went to once every three or four months, extending that recently to seven months and seriously contemplating a year or more. He had discovered that in terms of overall happiness, it was better to be half way to orgasm 95% of the time than all the way to orgasm. During my own experiment in male chastity, the longest period I had gone without orgasm was 18 days and I recalled feeling as though I was jumping out of my skin I was so excited by the prospect of sexual release. Mistress waxed all my pubic hair, leaving me bald and smooth as a little. I think he has taken liberties with some of his assumptions about how they fit together, but, on the other hand, virtually no research has looked at these pieces of the puzzle in the brain over time. First, I did use information from the Reunite site in my article and listed it as one of my sources of information, but it was not my only source. Figuring that if she allowed him to orgasm every month, then in a year she would be abouot 120 days or fully one third of the year in which she would not enjoy the special attention and devotion that she receives the rest of the time. One more quick note about the fourth factor, the level or concentration of dopamine receptors - with respect to the man who masturbates a lot or looks at a lot or porn to raise his dopamine levels, the law of diminishing returns applies. Mistress and another may be involved in this process. Importantly, along with the negative effects of low dopamine, there is also the lost feeling of connection and ability to love with low oxytocin levels. It has been an incredible font of wisdom, reason and good advice and followed closely the developments of her relationship with her husband, John, and her thoughts about it. Her, looking flabby and guilty of masturbating 3 times without permission. The feeling of intense pleasure lasts only 5-10 seconds in most men (4-12 muscular contractions about 0.

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