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Cinnamon bark capsules for weight loss - cinnamon covering containers for weight loss

20-12-2016 à 01:03:52
Cinnamon bark capsules for weight loss
My brother told me about cinnamon a few years ago, and what it had done for him. I have high cholestrol and a friend told me to get Cinnamon 500 mg. Consuming large amounts of cassia can pose a risk due to its coumarin content, which is why, when buying supplements, you should look for a water-extracted variety. Hence it is safe to take Ceylon Cinnamon or real Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum). It is active against Candida albicans, the fungus that causes yeast infections and thrush, and against Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. Am in South Africa, so hopefully will find some cinnamon capsules in local health food shop or pharmacy. You could try giving him the mixture at night. Be sure to check your blood glucose levels often and keep good food and blood glucose records. It will do what some call turning to sugar. You may want to meet with a dietitian for more guidance. I hope I am able to take it and see if it will help. Given that your blood glucose is high, my advice is to first talk to your physician. How have your blood glucose levels been running. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning. They also recommend pure raw unprocessed or uncooked honey. Chances are you have a bottle of cinnamon in your spice cupboard. It is stronger and somewhat bitter compared to Ceylon. You probably consumed close to 30 grams of carbohydrate (or even more) at your bedtime snack. Your best bet is to talk to your doctor and your pharmacist before taking the cinnamon. He is making dietary changes, but this seems very high. Could you let me know if this product is safe. Are the cinnamon tablets at GNC the water soluable type. Ceylon Cinnamon is coumarin safe as it has 1250 times less coumarin than Casssia. Also, those who have already had an attack, if they do this process daily, they are kept miles away from the next attack. I did not want to take the prescription meds for that. Some of the health benefits of eating cinnamon include the following. Daily in the morning one half hour before breakfast on an empty stomach, and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup of water. Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacteria and viral attacks. I am 70 years old but if not for the invention of mirrors feel like 35. Again, the study that I referenced above used cassia cinnamon. When visiting my Chiropractor, I told him about my recent diabetes diagnosis, Type two. I literally could go all day without food, but with taking my medication, and my sugar would still read 250 or higher. And when it comes to medications and supplements, you always want to take the lowest dose possible that will still yield beneficial results. Also because I reused sticks put biling water over two of these instead of boiling. Hi, I have been reading some of the post about the cinnamon pills. As far as your supplements, cinnamon has been found to lower blood pressure in some studies. In time I notice I was having low blood sugar attacks. At high levels, coumarin can damage the liver. Reports suggest that improvements can be seen after just 20 days(1). Perhaps you could gradually add the cinnamon back, in smaller doses, and see what happens, as well. Therefore any of you attempting to try this stuff out, must remember, it is the Cassia version not the South American. Next day, 15 hours after any food, it was 260. It seems fine for you to give cinnamon a try for a month and see if it makes a significant difference. Pliny the Elder reported, in the first century A. However, is there an indication on the box or package of tea as to how much cinnamon is in there. Published October 10, 2006 by Amy Campbell, MS, RD, LDN, CDE. Fenugreek may increase the effects of blood thinner medicines. I am going to try the cinnamon and pray it works. Ask him what your A1C is (goal is less than 7), too. I have heard from many personal colleagues that the improvement in energy may be due to the impact on both blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Avoid more than a sprinkle of cassia cinnamon if you are pregnant. The same study confirmed lower blood sugar and triglyceride levels as well. Could you tell me if these cinnamon capsules could be purchased at a Walmart. I was prescribed glucovance to reduce the insulin intolerance problem and eventually my levels returned to normal (around 100). Question 3: Is there anything connecting cinnamon with the increasing or decreasing high blood pressure. And chances are you never thought of cinnamon as medicine. Usually being so large I require higher dosages of most medicines. D. Patients suffering from these kinds of cancer should daily take one tablespoon of. Water extracted, water soluble, no coumarin,ceylon cinnamon. She said she would be concerned with the cinnamon possibly interacting with some of your antirejection drugs. All stay well and good health to everyone. Bought the pills today and am going to give them a try. A few weeks ago I was on vacation and did not have time for my favorite tea. This tends to only happen if one takes medicine (insulin or certain types of diabetes pills) that can cause blood glucose to go too low, however. I really am trying to get my blood sugar levels stable, in order to lose weight. The lastest news is that Cinnamon has no benifit at all to lower any sugar, according to the lastest finding by The Hartful Hospital crew lead by Dr Craig I read. I started drinking a cup a day and found my levels dropped to 65. Further studies confirmed the findings and much interest has developed in finding if cinnamon can help to prevent the onset of diabetes. You can actually purchase cinnamon capsules at your local drugstore or a local GNC store. The spice has a stimulating effect on the respiratory system. Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts cures eczema, ringworm and all types of skin infections. While cinnamon is a relatively safe herb, there are some reported side effects, including contact dermatitis, mouth lesions, skin rash, and facial flushing. Try not taking the cinnamon for a couple of days and see what happens. However, please be very careful about stopping any of your medicines without first talking with your doctor. Can one live on onions, garlic and cinnamon. You certainly could try the cinnamon tea first. On the other hand, cinnamon is relatively safe. I would not eat sometimes all day, just water or a couple of crackers, yet still sugar levels are high. Now I just started having tea this past month, as I have cut back on my coffee, and like to have something hot during the day, hence the tea. Ayurvedic medicine uses cinnamon to treat diabetes, indigestion, and as a constitutional remedy for people diagnosed with a body type called kapha. Now, other than the studies that are already mentioned, I am unsure as to any further, more recent scientific research to add credence to the benefits to the control of diabetes and cholesterol, or to the increased energy levels reported by many. I missed it one day and his fasting sugar was again high around 145. It may simply be that they are not selling very well, so companies eventually discontinue them. Cinnamon might help, but it may be that your mother needs a medication adjustment. For example, using olive or canola oil, eating more high-soluble fiber foods (oatmeal, beans, fruits, vegetables), switching to more poultry and fish instead of red meat, and using a margarine-like spread such as Benecol or Promise activ are ways to safely lower your cholesterol. 39 patients were given cinnamon extract for 4 months and showed a substantial reduction in post-meal blood sugar levels and a 10% reduction in fasting blood sugar levels. Hi linda, A type of cinnamon, called cassia cinnamon, may contain varying amounts of coumarin, a compound that may cause liver damage in high doses, at least according to animal studies. Do a skin test before consuming the product. It is much more stable now than it was before. It recommends 2 pills per day, but each is 1000mg. You can still enjoy the rich, warm flavor of this ancient spice. That being said, if you decide to take this, please let your physician know if, and also let him know if you experience any negative side effects. A upped dosage or a new medicine will control it for a few months, then suddenly for no reason it seems to stop working. The biggest improvements were seen with the highest dosage. My understanding is that Saigon cinnamon is considered to be cassia cinnamon. This popular spice was used in ancient Egypt, China, and India for culinary and medicinal purposes, and its use has also been documented in the Bible. I went overboard a bit with cinnamon tea. I take metformin and have been for the past 10 years with no problems and it actually helps to keep your weight in check unlike other diabetic meds that make you gain weight. Took six grams, top level the experiment used. It is found that a mixture of honey and Cinnamon cures most diseases. Small doses are likely safe, and you can also look for water soluble or water extracted cinnamon, too. I simply poured boiling water over the stick. You very likely would receive the same benefits by using the cinnamon powder. US Department of Agriculture researchers have reported that cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells. To lower LDL, try cutting back on saturated fat, found in red meat, cheese, butter, and whole milk. Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of honey is more helpful rather than being detrimental to the strength of the body. Cassia cinnamon, in supplement form naturally contains a compound called coumarin. Yes, I know not much info is know, but I can tell you the docs in MO are not into herbal remedies, they are all AMA well trained Thanks. Why cinnamon works on my husband aand not on my diabetes type 2. While cinnamon is relatively safe, some people may be allergic. People of South America, first thing in the morning, gargle with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water, so their breath stays fresh throughout the day. Also, a study published last month showed that a group of volunteers with prediabetes who were given 250 milligrams of water-soluble cinnamon extract twice a day for 12 weeks had an improvement in antioxidant status. Just checked my level. Is there anything else going on in your life that might be contributing to that. During the work week I tend to be high in the mornings but on weekends and holidays I sleep in my numbers are at least 30 to 50 points lower. But please keep in mind that you can live a very healthy life with diabetes — you just need to know how to best take care of yourself. You could likely take one capsule in the morning and one at bedtime. I have another idea about the effect of cinnamon that has never been mentioned. Therefore, I recommend 1 gram a day, roughly half a teaspoon. I have been taking metformin, Glocotrol, Januvia, and Actos, for a few years, and they usually but not uniformly lower my blood sugar, and I took pretty much the maximum of each. There are a lot of things that affect glucose, including how much carbohyddrate and fat one eats, physical activity, stress, illness, and medication. If, after checking with your health-care provider, you want to see for yourself if cinnamon might help improve your blood glucose levels, start with the smallest dose (1 gram). He has been skipping breakfast and after 16 hours or more of not eating, his levels are still in the 240 to 260 range. that is when I sleep the liver will release sugar into my blood. Have You Tried Honey and Cinnamon for Weight Loss. I do think it has helped me keep my A1C levels in a good range. Anyone taking large quantities daily should be using ONLY the water soluable extracts. Physical activity may additionally help with your cholesterol. It reduces the cholesterol in the arteries and saves the patient from heart attack. Some substances, such as cinnamon, create heat within the body due to a chemical reaction. Also, ask your doctor if he or she thinks Actos is the right medicine for you. The situation is different in the case of cinnamon sticks. Another recent study in diabetics found similar results. Does anyone know why products containing cinnamon are being discontinued. My lab lipid results today showed all the numbers dropped to normal levels. This means that if you supplemented 1 gram of Cinnulin the intake of coumarin would be well below the tolerable daily intake and not remotely pose any potential health risk. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in terms of quality and effectiveness. There will be a lot of sharing and discussions about the original recipe preparation. I really can tell the difference with my glucose. Take four spoons of honey, one spoon of cinnamon. I just spoke with a McCormick Representative and she confirmed, as I had researched-that McCormick Cinnanon (Canela Molida) is in fact only Cassia Cinnamon and definately not from S. Read a post above that said someone tried taking it right after a meal and their level came down shortly after. I know it sounds too good and easy to be true, but I do believe it really works. This means that Cassia cinnamon has 1,250 times more coumarin content than ceylon cinnamon. I noticed that most of the comments are from 2006-2007. As far as your HDL and LDL, exercise can help boost HDL. Stop using cinnamon immediately and call your health-care provider if you notice any side effects. Also, if you take any other dietary or herbal supplements, be sure to let your provider know. Walking down a flight of stairs was downright torture. I have been very impressed with the way you have answered all of the above I sense no BS and respect your comments. Another option is to take cassia cinnamon in capsule form, taking 500 milligrams twice daily. But this spice may do more than make your house smell good. I have taken a stick of cinnamon and put the stick in boiling water, drank the whole cup right before bed time. It was used in Ancient Rome as a healing agent and for its spiritual healing powers. My daily results and A1c shows much better control. I have been on a low carb diet and being careful what I eat. Hopefully your diuretic will help, and cutting back on your sodium intake may help, too. It may last longer if you store it in the refrigerator. Do you know of any association of pain like this and diabetes. For cinnaomon tea, try a local health food store. Does Honey and Cinnamon Drink Have Any Possible Side Effects. Would taking the Cinnamon Capsules for the Cholesterol and diabetes effect the liver levels. Cinnamon is a relatively safe herb or ingredient, and does seem to have some health benefits. Also, drinking this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though the person may eat a high calorie diet. As a public health professional and professor, and having numerous family members that have diabetes I can attest to a few facts. I looked after my late husband for 10 years with Type II diabetes, cardiac and cancer problems, and have just been diagnosed with diabetes myself. At your next appointment with your doctor, show him the results. Also, make sure you let your doctor know if you do start taking any supplement and if you decide not to start on the statin. 369 I remembered I had tried cinnamon awhile back but with no consistency. HOW MUCH CINNAMON AM I SUPPOSE TO TAKE IM A TYPE 2 DIABETIC MY a1c IS PRETTY BAD I WAS TAKING CAPSULES BUT NOT SURE HOW MANY TOTAKE AND HOW ABOUT THE HONEY AND CINNAMON TO LOOSE WEIGHT HOW MUCH. I get good results but wonder if its safe at the level of 6 teaspoons a day. You can ask them if the cinnamon they use is water soluble. I really want to take this tea for weight loss. plus Chromium by Spring Valley. A study in 2003, gave three groups of diabetics 1, 3 or 6 grams of cinnamon per day. Hi Anette, Cinnamon can be ingested in powder form which is usually the form in which you purchase this spice. I have started taking cinnamon each day and it as brought my glucose down quickly to 119. Everything else I read says that is not real cinamon and can be harmful because of cumarin content. 285 Not sure but I think not bad. The only exception is if you take insulin or a sulfonylurea, such as glyburide, glipizide or glimepride, for example. One tablespoon of honey contains 17 grams of carbohydrate. Cinnamon, like many foods, contains coumarin, which, in large amounts. So, it you are concerned about your sugar levels then please go for the cinnamon pills. Constant use of Honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles to fight bacterial and viral diseases. I started taking cinnamon about 1. In the early morning hours, your liver can release glucose in response to certain hormones. Suddenly it stopped working, he upped my glipizide to 2 10mg tabs per day, and last month my a1c level was 8. 4 (last October it was 8. You ask a good question, and I wish I had a good answer. Since taking the cinnamon I have started losing weight again. The Saigon Cinnamon by McCormick is the product. She is having a hard time controlling her sugar. Imagine the relief I felt as soon as it vanished. Animal studies have found that there is a positive effect on blood sugar levels when treated with cinnamon. I never would have thought it would make this much of a difference. I think a cup of this with cinnamon may have an added bonus. In other words, you can sprinkle powdered cinnamon from your spice jar onto various foods. You can likely continue taking cinnamon, but just not in such a large amount. My husband has suspected high glucose levels, and just tested 245. It sounds like the cinnamon is helping you. I took mine about two hours after a meal and it has been about two hours since then. This is a repeat of above-the batteries were going bad on my keyboard and the words became gibberish. Kefir is similiar to yogurt but has more live cultures in it. 004%) which is considered safe for consumption. Because of its anti-microbial properties, cinnamon is a natural alternative to chemical food preservatives. This was linked to lower fasting glucose levels. He has already started making dietary changes, and wants to lose more weight, but I feel that he is not eating enough. I found out I am a borderline type 2 diabetic a few months ago. My advice is to start checking your blood glucose levels several times a day and recording your results in a log book. Cinnamon as such has some lipid soluable components which when taken in excess are quite toxic. There are a couple of theories about why cinnamon has an effect on weight. They say Not to add the honey while the liquid is hot. My levels were never really high, but since having surgery they have been extremely high. The study that I mentioned in my blog, above, used cinnamon in the form of a capsule. High sodium intake, alcohol, lack of physical activity, and stress are just some of the factors that can raise blood pressure. I have a question, however, my blood sugar was once 365, and over the years has been taken all the way down to between 110-135 in regular morning testings. Yes, cassia is what was used in the study that I mentioned, above. when should i take this drink what is the receipe. Thanks again Acambell, i am taking 500mg twice a day and it is a spring valley cinnamon capsules. In research conducted at Copenhagen University in Denmark, patients given cinnamon powder combined with honey every morning before breakfast reported significant relief in arthritis pain after one week of treatment and could walk without pain within one month. It appears to help as I am now controlling the sugar level to under 6. Take two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. I am not able to exercise due to spinal cord injury. Interestingly, diabetics with the poorest blood glucose control showed the biggest improvements with cinnamon. Two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of Cinnamon Powder mixed in 16 ounces of tea water, given to a cholesterol patient, was found to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10 percent within two hours. Honey is the only food on the planet that will not spoil or rot. Hi Folks, I have been batteling diabetes for past 4 years now. Be sure to let your doctor know that you are taking cinnamon. However, do bear in mind that your need for medication may decrease so it is important to monitor your blood sugar levels and inform your primary care practitioner accordingly. Just remember that cinnamon supplements, like all supplements, are not regulated by the U. He wants to try another medicine next time, but nothing seems to work longer than just a few months. After this time, blood glucose levels dropped between 18% and 29% in all three groups that received cinnamon. Remember that most people withTtype 2 diabetes need medicine. Yes, canela molida is another name for cassia cinnamon, the kind that was used in study I mentioned in my posting. I would really appreciate if you reply me back. So, taking cinnamon along with your other medicines may not be a great idea. My question is which cinnamon to take as a. I am getting ready to start taking saigon cinnamon powder by McCormick. Fluid retention is an unfortunate side effect of Actos. Eventually I cut the glucovance dosage by half and remained stable. A study in 2005, found that following a high sugar meal, cinnamon reduced blood sugar and increased insulin levels for up to 30minutes(3). 5 and after diet change and walking six miles a day A1C now at 5. Three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste. I used cinnamon sticks when I was quitting smoking. All of these tests should be repeated a second time to confirm diabetes. You can find cinnamon almost everywhere but I order mine through a company called Health Quest Technologies. Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly, arrests the ravages of old age. I started taking 1 gram of cinnamon per day (in capsule form with chromium), and within 1 week my fasting sugar level is between 87 and 120, and my after meal sugar is no higher than 155. But, even with the pain gone my sugar is still quite high. At any rate, glucose readings of 245 and 260 are quite high. The first way is to have your blood checked for glucose after not eating anything for at least 8 hours (usually overnight). Then I heard somewhere that cinnamon helps type 2 diabetes, which I have. I told my Doctor and he was very surprised. He suggested I take a teaspoon of cinnamon per day. He likely will need to start taking medicine, too. Before I took it, I checked my sugar after everything I ate to see what spiked my sugar in the first place. It seems like since the weather has heated up my bp has also gone up so I have to deal with that also. Honey can be used without any side effects for any kind of diseases. My advice is to continue using the cinnamon sticks in your tea, and check your glucose with your meter — see if you notice any difference. I started taking a cinnamon capsule twice a day about 3 years ago after reading about it in a reliable book. The key is to start with a low dose, and increase gradually, if you need to. I have been under a lot of stress for the past few months and my glucose has been rising to 155 fasting (type 2). Actually my diabetic doctor told me to try and use it. Please see my previous response to your question. The best option is to supplement a cinnamon extract such as Cinnulin which is guaranteed to contain less than 0. In reading the above, I see that in some cases cinnamon helps type 2 and pre-diabetics with their blood glucose. It pretty much sums up everything you need to know about the honey and cinnamon drink. And was the reading of 245 obtained from a blood glucose meter. How long after eating too much sugar should my numbers stay high. My cholesterol level is a little high and I have type 2 diabetes. Studies done with cinnamon and blood glucose used powdered, or ground, cinnamon. Yes, he has been using a glucose meter for the past several days, and has already started to make dietary changes, but is putting off getting medical attention, which worries me. Lately, for the past six months, it has been fluctuating, around 150 and up. Do you know anything about the 6 grams per day giving the fastest (if not the longest lasting) benefit. Cinnamon reduces blood sugar, stabilizes cholesterol, and fights bacterial infections. Hi, I use a cinnamon stick at least once a day with tea sometimes twice a day. Cassia is the variety most commonly sold in the United States. I started taking cinnamon a week ago and am 113,110,108, and today 109. 0. They contain more cinnamon than I could probably eat in food everyday. When I take my morning fasting blood I always was higher than any other part of the day. Cinnamon should not be taken by people who have been prescribed blood-thinning medications like Coumarin, however, on its own, cinnamon has natural blood-thinning properties and may help to prevent blood clots. I am not a believer in natural substances working very well: I tried Chromium pills, B12 pills, etc. And other factors play a more prominent role in whether someone gets diabetes, such as family history, physical inactivity, being overweight, and being of certain ethnic groups. No significant changes in blood glucose or blood lipid levels occurred in the placebo group. When my mother was first diagnosed with diabetes, she learned real quick how to check it, etc. There have also been positive findings in human studies. 245 seems very high to me. Then, try sprinkling cinnamon on cereal and toast, or in your coffee, tea, or cocoa, spread out over the day. Put me on 2 more a day, which were not effective, then he added glipizide 5 mg twice per day to the metformin, my a1c went down near 6. I also have high blood pressure which I monitor when I accidentally skip a day or two in a week and my pressure still shows normal. Re-post: Canela Molida are the words printed under CINNAMON by McCormick Brand-Most Common in the US and available in almost all supermarkets, etc. The participants took either 1, 3, or 6 grams of cassia cinnamon or a placebo, in capsule form, for 40 days. Cinnamon sticks are good for up to a year. Ceylon cinnamon is grown in South America, Southeast Asia, and the West Indies, while cassia cinnamon is grown in Central America, China, and Indonesia. The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, which is a professional database of supplements, as well as the PDR for Herbal Medicine advise against using cinnamon during pregnancy and breastfeeding. I started at 1,000 milligrams of metformin per day several years ago, and now am at a dosage of 2,000 milligrams per day (1,000 after morning meal, 1,000 before bedtime), with no appreciable change in reading numbers. Studies have shown that cinnamon extract has a positive effect on memory, increasing concentration and improving retention. Try the cinnamon and keep up with the diet and exercise. I had been unable to lose more than the initial 18 pounds to get to my goal of a total 40 pound loss. Combined with honey, cinnamon can be used to treat heart disease, as it is known to reduce cholesterol. By evening, all the symptoms disappear and I just avoided a cold or a flu. So can I move my entire daily dose to the morning, or does it need to be taken in divided doeses. I would adjust how much and what I was eating according to what my sugar was after I ate (2 hours afterwards). Ask for a referral to a diabetes education program near where you live. Hey Amy my blood pressure was up last week and I have been retaining water from using Actos(diabetic med) so my doctor prescribed a dieuretic for me but I am continuing to use cinnamon in my coffee but I am hesitant to use any other supplements at the moment. It contains a chemical called coumarin that can be toxic if taken in large quantities. could act as a carcinogen. I steeped the sticks in water for about 15 minutes. Hello-I read in an article about cinnamon-honey drink for weight loss. The herbs in this supplement may very likely lower blood glucose and lipids. Mix the cinnamon with the cup of boiling water (8 oz) and let it cool a little (15 to 30 minutes). You may be able to purchase this at a bookstore or on Amazon. Then add the honey and stir until it dissolves within the cinnamon tea. In animal studies, cinnamon extract improved insulin action by increasing glucose uptake in muscles. I shall start taking little of Chinnamon barks evry day. If the Cinnimon bottle does not have the name of the cinnimon tree on it, it might not be cinnimon they are alowed to grind up hazelnut shells and add cinnimon oil and pass it off as cinnimon. My liver levels are also a little elevated. Diabetes is diagnosed if your glucose is 126 or higher. Now I since cinnamon I am about 104 to 139 int the morning. Cinnamon can also be taken in capsule form, in liquid form (as an oil) or as a tea. The doctor wanted to put me on some type of medecine and im the type of person that would rather treat something with a natural remedy rather than take a perscreption drug. Most of the research with cinnamon has been with people with Type 2 diabetes. There are a lot of advertisements claiming that cinnamon will boost energy levels. The third way is to drink a glucose drink and then have your glucose checked 2 hours later. If we use cinnamon instead of jams, jellies, syrups or sugar our blood glucose level should naturally be lower. In fact, the PDR for Herbal Medicines states that cinnamon is used in Chinese medicine to treat amenorrhea (lack of menstruation). Ceylon Cinnamon or real Cinnamon has 1250 times less coumarin than the regular Cinnamon (Cassia). Cinnamon comes from the bark of a small tree that grows natively in India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Brazil. My advice to you is to press your physician and psychologist a little bit harder on this issue. Question 1: I take 1000 mg (2 capsules total) each morning. I have no side effects after a month of doing this. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Also, eat foods that contain soluble fiber, such as oatmeal, oat bran, barley, and fruits and vegetables. Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this. I noticed a couple of weeks after taking 2 500 mg tablets a day, (the dosage required) that I was getting what I will refer to as an allergic reaction, puffy, itchy, red eyelids and under eyes. This supplement contains garcinia, fenugreek, cinnamon, bitter melo,n and gymnema sylvestre, among other ingredients. Yes, Saigon cinnamon is cassia cinnamon (at least, to the best of my knowledge). So, should you start shaking cinnamon on everything or start popping cinnamon capsules. For health benefits you have to make sure its the right kind. In this case 2 pills would be 2 teaspoon if I understand it correctly. But, as always, be on the look out for any symptoms and if they occur, stop taking the cinnamon and depending on the severity, let your physician know. Also, you might start checking your blood glucose levels again. My guess is that cinnamon would have little effect in Type 1 diabetes. Keep in mind, though, that, some people may be allergic to cinnamon, and that cinnamon in large amounts may cause mouth sores or burn the skin. Your doctor is likely taking these other factors into consideration when deciding to increase your medication dose. Her doctor was able to drop he insulin to about one half of the original prescription. What we do know about cinnamon is that, in some studies, it helped to better control blood glucose levels.

And if drinking it down a teaspoonful at a time is acceptable. LOL. Am interested in taking a daily dose of cinnamon, for the sugar and cholesterol items. Here are my questions: Will this supplement cause a problem with my pancreas that might result in developing diabetes. A study published in the journal Diabetes Care in 2003 looked at 60 men and women with Type 2 diabetes who were taking diabetes pills. My father and one uncle were also removed from their medications for hypercholesterolemia. You can also talk with your doctor and if it would put your mind at ease, he or she can check your liver function tests. About a year ago my doctor tested my blood and found a glucose level of 365. The catch with cassia cinnamon is that it may contain coumarin. I checked with the pharmacist who I work with. Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before food relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of meals. And always remember to tell your doctor about any supplements that you take. I spoke to friend and she told me cinnamon was suppose to regulate your sugar and I believe it does. Another suggestion is to make a list of the reasons that you think are hindering your ability to take pills and bring that to your next therapy appointment. Your inability to take pills may not be an emergency yet, but it could certainly become a medical emergency down the road, especially if you had to take some other kind of medicine, such as an antibiotic. He has not seen a doctor yet, and is making dietary changes. All of my family members have been removed from insulin therapy, my father was the most recent about 13 months ago. Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply on bread, instead of jelly and jam, and eat it regularly for breakfast. The cardiologist said the dose should be one teaspoon after lunch and the same amount after dinner. I started to drink the Ceylon cinnamon tea last April. Have I brought on a toxic reaction and if so will it abate before my test in a couple of days. My physician prescribed a statin medication for the cholesterol. Recent studies have generally shown it does not work. I tried the spice cinnamaon but got tired of just sprinkling on stuff,,I wanted something that I could pop in my mouth and go. EXAMPLES: Toast with buttery spread and cinnamon with Stevia mixture, or on a fresh apple snack, as an ingredient in my baked goods (I use carbalose flour which reduces the amount of carbs). If you do have a Facebook account, please feel free to join our closed Facebook discussion group about Honey and Cinnamon Drink. However, cinnamon has been used medicinally since ancient times. It works within a month I noticed my sugar tested lower. Laboratory and animal studies showed that cinnamon has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Some weight loss teas have herbs or other ingredients that can cause side effects. All responded to the cinnamon within weeks, with blood sugar levels 20 per cent lower on average than those of a control group. Hi abi, I suggest you contact the company that manufactures the supplement, Spring Hill. I started taking cinnamon about 3 weeks ago. However, as with most herbs, too much could be harmful. Garlic may not lower your LDL cholesterol all that much, according to recent research. Hi again, I have been talking to a psychologist as well. Has anyone found cinnamon in a take daily form like the postings says you need. Cinnamon has been shown to help lower blood glucose levels in people with Type 2 diabetes. I am hoping it is not the cinnamon supplements but suspect that it may be, it really is working to bring down sugar levels. Cassia cinnamon includes Chinese, Vietnamese (or Saigon), and Indonesian cinnamon. I used them to replace thehabit of holding something. Excess calories are burned throughout the process of thermogenics. Always, stressed out about anxiety and fear of having it and now the blood sugar levels are high. As you can see from the title the cinnamon for weight loss is combined with honey in a delicious mixture, which recipe I am just about to reveal. Due to the great interest in this topic and the numerous comments and emails I receive every day about how exactly to prepare and use the drink, I decided to write an update post. Are you checking at various times, such as midday, before dinner, before bed. We are taking a supplement 500 mg a day that is made with Cinnamon Extract 4:1 (Cinnamomum Ramulus) (Twigs). However, in the study I mentioned above, subjects took much higher doses for 40 days without any adverse effects. I have diabetes 2 and have been taking cinnamin for about two years now. Because of its medicinal properties, cinnamon is used as an ingredient in chai tea, which is used as a healing beverage to aid digestion of dairy and fruits. My hope is that cinnamon usage will bring that number down considerably. This is your diabetes and your health, so you need to be your own advocate. As mentioned for arthritic patients, if taken three times a day, any chronic cholesterol is cured. 5 years ago and I still take it. And if it continues, please let your physician know. The good news is that there are very few reported interactions between cinnamon and other drugs or supplements. Been rather worried about the prolonged high levels. Hi, I have been doing much research on the effects of cinnamon on, as it turns out, a lot of medical issues. Would using a cinnamon stick once or twice a day be helpful. Have you made any changes to your diet recently. They are totally different in looks and taste from Cassa cinnamon. I have been making myself a Cinnamon latte every morning use 1 teaspoon of cinnamon as that was the Chiropractors suggestion. You could also try taking a cinnamon supplement, but that should be done in conjunction with a heart-healthy diet and exercise. About 5 years ago she heard about cinnamon. You run the risk of low blood glucose if you take cinnamon along with these two classes of diabetes medicine. Does sugar levels fluctuate after missing it for one day. Properties: Alterative, analgesic, anodyne, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-infective, anti-oxidant, anti-parasitic, anti-septic, astringent, carminative, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, haemostatic, hypotensive, sedative, stimulates and then depresses the nervous system, stomachic. I have severe anxiety and panic attacks, but am afraid to us the anti-anxiety meds. When using ground cinnamon, check the Nutrition Facts on your bottle to determine how many grams are in a teaspoon. Weekly World News, a magazine in Canada, in its issue dated 17 January,1995 has given the following list of diseases that can be cured by honey and cinnamon as researched by western scientists. Blood pressure medicines are safe and effective, too. Again, the study I mentioned above used capsules, but some people take cinnamon in ground form, as well. Cinnamon is a safe and inexpensive aromatic spice, which has been used for many years in traditional herbal medicine for treatment of type 2 diabetes. Egyptians used it in the embalming process and to preserve meat. Also, in the meantime, there is a liquid version of metformin called Riomet which you may do better with — ask your physician about this, as well. Out of control sugar will make you have kidney problems. Again the heating process will kill the honey benefits. I can not get my sugar reading down below 242. Cinnamon reduces insulin resistance allowing the system to process the excess glucose and reduce belly fat possibly reducing the chances of developing Type II diabetes. The effect of blood glucose dropping too low in the middle of the night and then rebounding to a high level is called the Somogyi effect. The active ingredient in cinnamon, MCHP mimics the action of the hormone insulin, which removes excess sugar from the bloodstream. About two hours later checked my level. 9. I started out with one in the morning and after awhile I began taking one at night. thankyou. I have beed reading about cinnamon and diabetes. I just put it in my mouth and drink it down. Honestly, my diabetes seems so out of control, I feel like giving up trying to control it. Ask a dietitian and your doctor about possibly using a plant stanol supplement. I am going to check with my pharmacy, as one of my anti-rejection meds you can not have grapefruit or the juice. My doctor recommended it, so I have been taking it now for 3 years. I was not familiar with Syntra-5, so I checked out their Web site. Or it could be the Miyagi effect meaning your sugars are dropping too low in the night and your body is trying to keep you from passing out by upping your sugar. However, it has been suggested that at very high levels cinnamon could actually lead to hypoglycemia by being over-effective1. I shall start using cinnamon powder and if it works then i shall continue. I have used this supplement and my glucose level drop over 20 points. America. I shall also test my fasting blood glucose level after start taking the chinnamon bark. My advice is to first discuss your A1C with your doctor as well as how it best can be treated. Cinnamon is an invigorating spice with a wide variety of health benefits. If you decide to try cinnamon, you can purchase ground cinnamon right in your grocery store. I use many different spices instead of sugar. You need to have a discussion with your doctor about the best and safest way(s) to lower your blood pressure. My thought is that if I take it all in the morning it will not affect me so much at bedtime. Hello I am diabetic and currently on 3 diabetic pills and an insulin. Talk with your doctor about whether you should continue taking cinnamon or not. One, three family members have initiated cinnamon regimens in the last three years, including my father. If the glucose is 200 or higher, you likely have diabetes. Celyon cinnamon contains much less coumarin than other cinnamons (known as cassia cinnamon). Since then, my daily readings have all been below 100. Before I started taking Cinnamon my Cholesterol level was 245 and now it is at a borderline level of 230. I take 1 500mg in the morning and 2 before bedtime. Actos can also cause weight gain and water retention so be careful if your weight suddenly goes up. My Doctor is not really knowledgeble about this matter. 7% coumarin and has a high concentration of MHCP, the active ingredient. So, given that your readings are ranging between 110 and 135, your fasting glucoses are pretty much in target. I had gestational diabeties 2 years back and i was fine after i had baby. I get so discouraged, I then cheat on my diet. It is too early to tell if it is lowering my glucose levels although they seem to be trending downward during the day. All of these people have been on insulin for a minimum of 8 years. I have been a Vegetarian for the last two years. I have been diagnosed with Type II diabetes and have recently started taking the Cinnamon supplements. I start that drink two weeks ago. Thank you for your comments I just want to ask a follow-up question. Never boil honey or put it in a microwave. Before they diagnosed me, I used to come home from work and eat a pint or two of ice cream and 6 or 7 chocolate bars or other candies, and eat sweets all day. Metformin, in general, is a very safe and effective medicine. Sorry I knew it was a japanese name(favorite sushi bar) I got it wrong but you caught it (lol) I have to remember so much while being diabetic I forget some stuff. This means cutting back on saturated and trans fat, increasing your soluble fiber intake (oats, beans, fruits, vegetables), and switching to a heart-healthy oil like olive oil. Yes if you are on multiple types of medicines for diabetes that could happen. The longer I take the cinnamon the better my cholesterol gets. I just started taking Cinnamon capsules about a week ago and have noticed that I am having mild hot flashes all during the day and night. In the meantime, focus on other dietary changes that you can make that can help lower your cholesterol. You can try moving your cinnamon dose to earlier in the day, but I do think you should address your irregular heartbeat, first. The researchers found that the 6-gram dose of cinnamon lowered glucose levels more than the other doses did, and in a shorter amount of time. Perhaps there are non-medication ways to deal with stress and anxiety that you can try, such as relaxation techniques. When this happens I loosen the lid, boil some water, and sit the honey container in the hot water, off the heat and let it liquefy. According to information received in the said Journal, pure honey taken with food daily relieves complaints of cholesterol. I found that interesting after reading these comments. Please advise for gestation diabetics is it safe to use Cinnamon on a daily basis. Instead, cinnamon seems to work on insulin receptors on cells to promote the uptake of glucose from the bloodstream. Another way to tell if cinnamon is good is to smell it. N. When I started using cinnamon also, I started waking up in the middle of the night with blood suger of 55-60. Had a small breakfast, two eggs scrambled with some cheese in it, a whole wheat English muffin, buttered and a glass of 1% milk. Regular use of the above process relieves loss of breath and strengthens the heart beat. Life spans also increase and even a 100 year old, starts performing the chores of a 20-year-old. i feel very tired after drinking this tea and also sweating. He put me on 500mg metformin 2x per day, lowered my a1c for a few months then they shot back up for no reason. One of these theories is all about thermogenics. And gvra28, I hope it works as well for you as it has for Granny. Arthritis patients may take daily, morning and night, one cup of hot water with two spoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. S. My question is, though, what your glucose readings are at other times of the day. Thanks so much for posting this very helpful information. I would like to try something more natural. Is this the one that does not contain as much cassia. Also, the amount that most people would use on or in food is unlikely to be harmful. The opinions and other information contained in the blog posts and comments do not reflect the opinions or positions of the Site Proprietor. Cinnamon has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. I like the name of that sushi bar, though. In Indian (Ayurvedic) medicine, cinnamon is used for the symptoms of the common cold. In theory, it should work like ground cinnamon to help with blood glucose control. He might even be able to refer you to a diabetes support group — it helps to talk to others with diabetes, too. I started use cinnamon on oatmeal every morning, for over a year now. Thanks for the sucess story, can u tell which kind of cinamon capsules u are consuming. I am just reading tonight the area about cinnamon. My question is that I take the evening dose about 1-2 hours before bedtime, and when I lie down, I can feel my heart beatinga nd sort of fluttering. The below link will help you to identify real Cinnamon from Cassia. First, keep in mind that this was a small study with only 60 subjects. But your morning readings can also can depend on if and how much diabetes medicine you take, along with what can happen overnight. I take one in the morning and 1 at night, is it ok take it bcz i read your post about the coumarin and i am confused. Good luck. Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomach ache and also clears stomach ulcers from the root. Before cinnamon my sugar would be about 165 to 189. Small amounts of cassia will not cause any problems. According to the studies done in India and Japan, it is revealed that if Honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas. Six teaspoons of cinnamon each day sounds like a very large dose. Sometimes people can reduce the amount of medicine they take. A. Also, this is a good example of why you should always discuss the use of any supplement with your provider. He has been putting off getting medical attention, which worries me. Actually, there are quite a few comments and questions about cinnamon from this year, so you can consider the information to be current. Some of the volunteers taking cinnamon even achieved normal blood sugar levels. I talked to my doctor and he seemed to think there were not enough studies to give me an answer but he said continue taking the cinnamon because something seemed to be working. Has anyone else experienced a problem like this. Thanks Bellydancer — good points that you bring up. If you have success stories and results to share with us, please do that at: Have You Tried Honey and Cinnamon for Weight Loss. After all as you said in your blog cinnamon has been around forever, sometimes I think people have to much information in this day and age. My suggestion would be to first focus on your eating plan (which you may be doing already). My A1C was 7. Cinnamon has a small amount of a substance called coumarin (not coumadin) that, in larger doses, could hurt the liver. I am now 3mo pregnant and of course have gestational diabetes. If it really reduces the fasting blood glucose level I shall continue. Daily morning and night honey and cinnamon powder, taken in equal parts restores hearing. So I am still experimenting with what foods spike my glucose levels. She may have had diabetes before she was actually diagnosed. And my weight has not changed over the last two months, so it is not as if I changed much of anything else. And be sure to follow the dosing instructions on the bottle. For example, bitter melon can cause gastrointestinal distress and hemolytic anemia. Your doctor should be able to give you a referral. So, I am positive the pain had something to do with excess sugars, seeing how fast it vanished as soon as i gave up the sweets. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold, and clear the sinuses. If done daily for two weeks, it removes pimples from the root. I started taking Cinnamon capsules about 4 months ago because of my high cholesterol. Worked for a few months, then a1c shot right up. I cut out my sodas, well I drink diet and cut down the amount, which resulted in cutting out 2,000 calories a day. I do have nystagmus, so it may be related to that more than the cinnamon. As I promised, in my previous post about the benefits of cinnamon, in this one, about Honey and Cinnamon for Weight Loss, I will share with you an interesting fact, I found a few days ago, about the almost miraculous weight loss effect of cinnamon. Cassia cinnamon is the more common type of cinnamon in this country, and this is what the study (mentioned in my posting) used. I need to lower my blood sugars to avoid going on insulin,,, just bought some 500 mg capsules today of the cinnamon cassia. Hi abi, What are the ingredients in your tea besides cinnamon and honey. Or the honey and cinnamon can be consumed after stirring into hot water. Ceylon Ground Cinnamon only contains very low levels of Coumarin (0. There are two types of cinnamon: Ceylon and cassia, both derived from the bark of evergreen trees. If taken regularly even chronic arthritis can be cured. I checked my glucose levels and they started creeping up to 70, 80, 100. Using cinnamon in or on food during pregnancy is likely perfectly safe. I am going to have a glucose tolerance test in a couple of days because of level 7. But please seek help, starting with your doctor. As always, any changes in a daily regimen should be addressed with your personal physician for feasibility, efficacy and as an inclusion for ongoing monitoring of the respective blood levels. I fell off the wagon for several years due to being young and dumb and as I got older had more and more trouble controlling my blood sugar levels. 0), my LDL is at 113. I am hesitant to take the cholesterol reducing medicine. For anyone interested, the tea is called Good Earth Original. I prefer trying something natural like this instead of prescription medication. However, here are two links to articles that perhaps may be of use. Plus, my hotflashes have subsided quite a bit. Recent research in Japan and Australia has revealed that advanced cancer of the stomach and bones have been cured successfully. My question is: Do you know if there are any side-effects to taking cinnamon that would effect the pancreas. I started taking cinnamon to help with high blood sugar levels for both my husband and I. Internally, cinnamon was used to treat coughs and colds, but it was also burned to purify the air in a home or as an offering at a shrine. To do so will kill the enzymes in the honey. As an oil, cinnamon is used in aromatherapy to calm the nervous system. thanks. I also have D. The study that I wrote about used cassia cinnamon, the most common type of cinnamon used in the US. The issue, though, is that no one is really sure what the lowest, most effective dose of cinnamon is. It burned the lips on one of my clients while eating the cinnamon on bananas. My A1C level is a 7. After using cinnamon on everything she ate, and taking the supplement, she discovered she is diabetic. My mother-in-law is on insulin plus other meds. The feeling of the heart beating hard in my chest makes it difficult to go to sleep. Any information will help. Most people think of cinnamon as a flavoring for desserts or as a warm, robust scent for candles and potpourri. My levels before I got sick and had surgery were around 70, and when out of control were around 150. Sometimes people can reach their goal blood pressure with healthy eating (such as with the DASH diet) and exercise, but a lot of people need medicine (just as many people with diabetes need to take medicine to help manage their blood glucose). If your LDL is as high as you indicate, though, you may need to take medicine. I have been taking a quarter-teaspoon of my spice rack cinnamon each day for a year and am now worried. Nowhere have I been able to find if taking the sum together have any negative effect on individual items. Ceylon cinnamon bark looks like tightly rolled scrolls, while cassia cinnamon is more loosely rolled. I would like to take some type of supplement and cinnamon was recommended by a friend. People who have tried this amazing weight loss drink say that they have lost about 3 kg (6-7 lbs) for 1 week. I just recently came across a study for a new product called Syntra-5 for type 2 diabetes. You could try some of these resources on the Internet. Amadeus maybe you should look into taking metformin in the liquid form if the pills are hard to swallow. As soon as I feel a slight itchy throat, runny nose or muscle pain, I immediately drink a cup of cinnamon tea along with an orange fruit for vitamin C. It also depends on how high your blood pressure is. However, cinnamon is a fairly safe supplement, unless you happen to be allergic. I bought some cinnamon pills, the brand is SolaRay and it is cinnamon bark (cinnamomum verum). , that cinnamon was worth fifteen times that of silver. You might even consider getting a home blood pressure monitor so that you can check it daily. Along with potent spices such as turmeric and ginger, cinnamon is a food substance which also has significant health benefits. I never drank booze again except for the blood of christ in church. Hi Rigo, Diabetes can be diagnosed in a few different ways. Also high sugars in the morning can be attributed to lack of sleep. I have been using taking 1000 mg in capsule form twice a day for two months now. A familiar ingredient in chai tea, cinnamon assists the digestion of fruit, milk and milk products. It was written about in Chinese medical journals as far back as 2,800 BC. It tastes like a big stick of Big Red gum, what a wonderful way to bring down my glucose. Ask your doctor how he or she diagnosed your diabetes. Traditional Chinese medicine used cinnamon to treat colds, digestive difficulties, nausea, diarrhea, and painful menses. Is it because he takes medication and I don,t yet. It sounds like you need more metformin (which is not a bad thing). Stir well and drink 4 of the 8oz first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and the rest on an empty stomach before bed. Cinnamon could possibly help but probably not enough to bring your glucose down to target range. First time I have checked in awhile because I have known I was high for some time now. What other stores sell this type and what should I look for on the label to be sure it is. And I also would like to share with you one of the last comments (thanks to Michelle), so that anybody can read it. Also, there are no long-term studies indicating that these herbs are entirely safe. My a1c was very high, the doctor tried diet control first. Cassia is regularly sold as cinnamon and is made from the entire bark of the tree. Is this drink safe for diabties or should be taken without honey. This may contain an ingredient that is possibly harmful to your liver. I promise to share my weight loss success story as a comment to this post. Hi, I have benn drinking this cinnamon honey tea for past two days(one time). Clinical research showed that cinnamon decreases serum glucose levels. The benefits continued after 60 days, 20 days after participants had stopped taking cinnamon. and they were basically placebos concerning blood sugar. I was horrified. 9 in blood test. While you can certainly add cinnamon powder to your foods, you should also focus on other ways to lower your risk of diabetes, such as following a healthful eating plan, losing weight (if you need to), and getting regular physical activity. I just bought some cinnamon capsules, so I have them if I need them, maybe when traveling. I felt dizzy and nauseated after taking the 1st dose. Cinnamon also appears to reduce blood cholesterol and fat levels(1) and decrease blood pressure(2). He has been losing weight for a year or more, so this is not a new situation. I have bought cinnamon in Mexican markets, I have seen it in the stick form and it looks like a fine rolled up cigar, just exactly what ceylon looks like, they both not only look alike and taste alike. HI: im shahana,I like to ask how you make your cinamon,hony tea. Before they diagnosed me, I really thought i was getting the beginning stages of MS and I was petrified. A paste made of cinnamon and honey can be spread on bread and eaten daily. While we need more human trials looking at the effects of cinnamon on type 2 diabetes management, based on the available evidence I recommend that type 2 diabetics include 1 gram of cinnamon daily or, ideally the equivalent in low coumarin cinnamon extracts. My Lipids have been within normal range for years. One study looked at cinnamon in adolescents with Type 1 diabetes, and there was really no effect on glycemic control. Hi Linda, Are you following a meal plan and getting physical activity. I had 30% of my pancreas removed, all of my spleen, and about 5% of my stomach. Thanks in advance for any info you can provide. For most people with diabetes, the fasting or pre-breakfast blood glucose target is between 70 and 130. Just want to let you know I have been doing a lot of research of many sites. The best way to see how it works is for him to check his blood glucose. You can used powdered or ground cinnamon in beverages or sprinkled on foods. If you do experience increased heart rate and flushing, you might try decreasing your dose. This means that there is little or no coumarin in there, a substance that is potentially harmful. Cinnamon is an invigorating spice with a wide variety of health benefits. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and arrests old age. The result is a high fasting glucose, and is called the Dawn Phenomenon. I agree with you that stopping it for now is your best bet. Or can your physician recommend someone for you. However, cinnamon is relatively safe, especially when used on foods or in beverages, so you could try it and see if you do notice an effect on your own glucose levels. Hi everyone,I am a 57 years young male with type 2 diabetes. Even after skipping breakfast, with 16 or more hours between meals, his reading is still 260. Could you pls tell me how could i find if this capsules contains coumarin or not. Make sure you continue to get your blood pressure checked, too. My doctor suggested using probiotics to help with digestion which could help my diabetes. Then, if you tolerate that, you could take the other half in the evening. I strongly encourage you to eat with the tablet and drink a glass of water to help it dissolve in your stomach instead of dissolving on a empty stomach and then making you have heart burn of Cinnamon. 5, I started taking 1000mg of cinnamon daily after the test, I will keep will keep you posted on the next test. W. My question: Are those numbers (110-135) serious enough to increase dosage, which my doctor is intending to do. They did a double blind study with fantastic results in reducing blood pressure, blood sugar, LDL,and several other problems. Cinnamon Lowers Blood Sugar, Promotes Heart Health, and More. However, you can call the company at 1-877-GNC-4700 and they may be able to better answer your question. Would it be better for me to start using a cinnamon tea first instead of the capsules. Nice to have natural item to help type 2 diabetes. My suggestion is to ask her to keep a record of her glucose readings and also a few days of a food record. I find that taking cinnamon tea made with the bark of the plant is very good to reduce blood sugar levels, and find no side-effects so far. After giving honey and cinnamon again, the sugar was normal like 124 fasting. While this advice has some merit it overlooks one VERY important fact. Even, in the mental health field, nothing is considered an emergency until you tell them that you are suicidle, which I am not. I met someone who said they take cinnamon and chromium. It is one of the safest diabetic meds out there and the side efffects of mild diarrhea and upset stomach usually subsides after the first week. 5 without any medication. If that is all they have you on then you are doing good. My current AIC is 6. Senior citizens, who take honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts, are. Might you be able to work with another therapist. Tellingly, blood sugar started creeping up again after the diabetics stopped taking cinnamon. I also have been taking Melatonin every night before bed for the past 20 years. I am not taking any medication for my diabetes. If taken regularly, it reduces the weight of even the most obese person.

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